
Kate produced Aging Gracefully, a mini series focusing on the aging process and how it can be done well, gracefully. Hosted by Father Myles Sheehan, a former physician who specialized in geriatric medicine, the five part series became so popular that despite premiering in 2012, it continues to air in reruns and was revived in 2016 for another 13 episodes.

Other shows Kate has produced include the mini-series, RENEWED and the news magazine show, ClearVoice, working with former NECN reporter and anchor, Christine Casswell and Fox25 reporter, John Monahan.

When she was hired full time at CatholicTV, Kate helped to produce the annual CatholicTV telethon. She also hosted part of the LIVE production from 2013 to 2016.

But the production that was her main focus as a producer was also a show that she developed and helped to create. In 2012, The Gist premiered on CTV. The women's talk show is still in production at CTV and has featured guests including Emilio Estevez and Martin Sheen, Sr. Helen Prejean and Patricia Heaton. Below are two notable interviews from the show that has become one of the station's most popular series.

Rachel Balducci takes around the set of Mom's Night Out, a great new family friendly film.

Carolee McGrath speaks to Father Bob Weiss of St Rose of Lima parish in Newtown. 8 of the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting were parishioners at St Rose. From the "Dealing with Tragedy" episode of The Gist.